Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What type of hair extensions are good for thin/fine hair?

I have thin, fine hair. But it's not like, horrible thin or horribly fine. It backcombs good and doesn't put out easily when I do a strand test. It has been damaged by dyeing it, but I'm tired of being criticized by everyone on how thin my hair is. What type of hair extensions would be best for me? Weave, fusion, clip in?

What type of hair extensions are good for thin/fine hair?

fusion ones are only going to make your hair even thinner when you are done with them, plus i dont knwo about you but they are high maintenence. and i only had a few of those put in for highlights. they got knotted, sticky if your head is hott... not fun.

a weave i would imaging would be uncomfortable as hell, and expensive.

your best bet is clip in ones. they wont damage your hair and you can take them out.

they are also the least expensive.

What type of hair extensions are good for thin/fine hair?

I would get fusion its a bit pricey but its worth it all the celebs has it

What type of hair extensions are good for thin/fine hair?

I say experiment with the clip in hair.

What type of hair extensions are good for thin/fine hair?

Clip in would probably be less damaging than the others, use a thickening shampoo and always use some kind of product to protect your hair =}

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