Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hair Extensions & short hair?? HELP!!?

i've always admired long scene hair and always wanted to grow my own but my hair is too short.

can i grow my hair into a afro then get the extensions in or something else?

Help would be great and so would suggestions.

thanks in advance! :)

Hair Extensions %26amp; short hair?? HELP!!?

yeah, extensions would help you reach that goal with your hair.

Hair Extensions %26amp; short hair?? HELP!!?

there is no such thing as real long 'scene' hair

its all extrensions

so whatever you plan on getting with the extensions, you'll fit right in


you straighten it, then use a crapload of hairspray and gels and hairwax to make it stay up

unless you want it a different way...

Hair Extensions %26amp; short hair?? HELP!!?

an afro?? Why would u want that?!? No offence, but umm its the 21st century. Ways to get longer hair faster are: Eat red meat, the nutrients from it sweat the hair glands which makes them grow faster, or hang upsidedown once a day everyday and comb your hair from roots to bottom. This keeps hair healty and stretched. And also, wash your hair often and keep it very heathy. And try your hardest to stay away from curlers, straiteners, and blow dryers. The dry out the ends of your hair and cause split ends which cause the hair to quit growing till u cut off the split ends.

Hair Extensions %26amp; short hair?? HELP!!?

I have extentions.

I had shoulder lenth hair now my hairs to my boobs.

Braids make your hair grow.

go get them, and if your hairs to short, you can get them glued it


Hair Extensions %26amp; short hair?? HELP!!?

Good question!

Scene Hair :

- I find this website is the best - it has hundreds of photos of scene hair, style tips and a list of things to tell your hairdresser (click on hairstyles down right side of website).

Good luck! :)

Jake xxx

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