Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hair extensions for relaxed african american hair?

Will it be expensive? How much on average will it cost? Im not looking for the expensive celebrity kinds that r like 3000 dollars but i wanna get it done by my moms hair dresser who isnt that expensive.

but im wondering how much will it be? Do u know any sites that have beofre and after pics of hair extensions on black ppl or any race???

Hair extensions for relaxed african american hair?

Go To www.margaretsbraidsandweaves.com or Kinksinc.com the beauty shop I go to charges $10 per track and 80 for sew-ins but I know africans that do good weaves for 50

Hair extensions for relaxed african american hair?

i know black girls love weaves and extensions... they look great too.

just go to a beauty store... in black neiborhoods, there are all kinds of beauty stores for black girls...

ask some colored chicks...

if you go to one of these shops.. the extensions are very cheap..

like 10 dollar range has alot of options.

im not sure how much to get them put in, but i know that alot of girls know how.

if you can find one of these stores (shouldnt be hard) the people there should be able to help you alot.

if you go to a place where the people learn to do hair and other beauty things... they do work cheap there cuz they like to get extra practice...

you might wanna ask people where some shops are and look around and talk to people about your options...

also, you might wanna find some pictures of some girls from magazines or wherever to get ideas for what you want...

i seen a style i liked on tv and i just had to get it.

go to some hair places and ask the girls in there... you might wanna shop around cuz those places are everywhere.

Hair extensions for relaxed african american hair?

Ask your Mom's hairdresser! have her show you before and after pics of her work.

Do you want extensions for braids or do you want a weave?

If you want a weave, spend the money. Cheap weaves are easy to spot and they look gross.

What kind of hair will you be using and what kind of style do you want?

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